Friday, February 20, 2015

Inherent Vice

Ahhhhh crap.  I fell off the wagon so quickly.  I vow to do better and write these damn  things up before I forget if I liked them or not.

So!  A couple things I loved about this:  Its very gritty /over-exposed look were super-reminiscent of late 60's early 70's sunbaked (baked) Southern California.  The costumes, the telephone, the cars...all spot on as P.T. Anderson can do. 

It was laugh-out-loud funny at times and had some great twists and surprises.

Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix were brilliant together in Walk the Line, so it was fun seeing them here too.

There is something Big Lebowski-ish and quotable in this missing person romp.  It's LA, it's a decade piece, it has fantastic characters (Martin Short absolutely steals the show about 2/3rds of the way in).

I wanted to watch it again as soon as it was over.

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