Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy Birthday to wegtomovies! 100 Posts

I guess it's not a "birthday" in the typical sense, but there has to be some kind of blog post milestone to commemorate that this is the 101st one. The link in the title is to my first post: our 2004 movie list. I started this blog so I would remember all the movies we saw and because we have increased our movie-going quite substantially over the last few years, I am really glad to have this space as a reminder to think about films after I see them and write a little bit about what distinguishes them from other movies for me. It was born out of the problem that sometimes, "I saw that movie" after a few months would drift into, "Did we see that? Did I like it?" I do this for the same reason that my mother catalogs the weather: to help us remember what was going on. Thanks for reading!

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